J O H N   C H I A P P O N E











Edgar Degas

(1834 – 1917)

He was a French artist, and one of the founders of Impressionism.




Characteristics of Ballet:

1. The movements are ridged and unnatural.
2. All movements spring from five basic stances.
3. The feet are never parallel while pointing forward.
4. The floor is not integrated in the dance.
5. The mise-en-scène is usually elaborate.

The mise-en-scène in dance refers to everything that appears on the stage: the costumes, sets, props, dancers, choreography, and lighting. Here is an example of a typical ballet with an elaborate mise-en-scène:

Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker: Mariinsky Ballet

Example of a Ballet with a minimal mise-en-scène: Lost in Motion


Principal Dancer -
The principal dancers are the soloists and main stars of a dance company - the highest ranked dancers. A principal dancer may be male or female. This term is also used in modern dance.

Sergei Polunin, at the age of 19, was the youngest principal dancer with the British Royal Ballet.

Ballerina -
The ballerina is the main female dancer.

Misty Copeland

Corps de Ballet -
These dancers are not the main dancers, and they do not appear as soloists.

Ballet Master/Mistress -
the teacher 

Choreographer -
the composer of the dance. 


Grand Jeté -
a long horizontal jump

Demi -
This term means half. It applies to the positions - see plié.

Plié [plee-AY] -
This is an exercise where dancers bend their knees. A grand-plié is a bend to the deepest position as the heels lift off the floor. A demi-plié is a half plié - see

Demi Plié

Grand  Plié

Pirouette -
The dancer spins on one foot while the other foot usually touches the knee.









Pointe Work -
Point dancing is on the tips of the toes. A special blocked shoe is used. Although mostly a female dancers' skill, male dancers also receive training in pointe.


Mikhail Baryshnikov Don Quixote

Swan Lake - Nureyev  |  Рудольф Нуреев

Black Swan

Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake - The Kirov Ballet


Modern Dance

Modern dance:
1. revolted against ballet's ridged unnatural movements. The movements are natural, flowing, and spontaneous.
2. is without rules
3. is often danced in bare feet, and
4. the floor is integrated into the dance.

In the early 1900s Isadora Duncan, Ruth St. Denis, and Mary Wigman rebelled against classical ballet's rigid rules where all movements spring from just five unnatural positions. They also  abandoned the techniques, costumes, and even shoes. These early modern dance pioneers focused on creative self-expression - rather than technical virtuosity. Modern dance is relaxed, free style, and is focused on emotions.  Ballet strives to be light and airy while modern dance has a deliberate use of gravity.

In United States Loie Fuller, Isadora Duncan, Ruth St. Denis, Doris Humphrey, and Martha Graham developed their own styles of dance, and laid the foundations of American modern dance.

In Europe Mary Wigman, Francois Delsarte, Émile Jaques-Dalcroze, and Rudolf von Laban developed theories of human movement, expression, and methods of instruction that led to the development of European modern dance. 

Lamentation Martha Graham

Choo San Goh (1948 - 1987) was one of the greatest choreographers.
Unknown Territory



Pilobolus: Symbiosis (TED) | YouTube


Hungarian National Ballet - Uncertain Harmony - Ligeti

Paul Taylor - Promethean Fire

Akram Khan See p 187 (7th edition) zero degrees
He studied
Kathak Indian dance. Learn Kathak.


World / Ritual Dance

World or ritual dance is specific to a country, and ceremonial.



Celebration dance
 - Festival dance
Pulikali Tiger Dance

Dance in ancient cultures
 - Ancient Greece
 - Ancient Rome
 - Classical Indian dances
Arjuna Nritham
 - Japan
    Memoirs of a Geisha- Snow Dance
- Irish
   River Dance has rapid leg movements with stationary arms.

- Middle Eastern
Belly Dance - Instructional Video

Ritual dance, Magic/Mystic/Spiritual dance
 - Circle dance
 - Corroborree
 - Dances of Universal Peace
 - Long Sword dance
 - Morris dance
 - Rapper dance
 - Religious dance
Wacky Tribal Dance - African Dance
   Zulu Wedding Dance
 - War dance
Lakota Sioux
 - Weapon dance

Folk Dance

Folk dance describes dances of European origin. They are:

1. European dance up to the 19th century
2. It's traditional – not original.
3. Danced by common people (folk) – not aristocrats at social events
5. Evolved spontaneously

LIKHA - Philippine Folk Dance

Street Dance

Although hip-hop dance evolved spontaneously, it’s not considered folk dance.

Kenichi Ebina: TED | Robocop

Lux Aeterna Dance Company - "Navaras" by Jacob "Kujo" Lyons

This is modern dance / break dancing. Lux Aeterna means eternal light in Latin.

Jazz Dance

Jazz dance is spontaneous, free, and uses syncopation.

Dance Theater of Harlem 2  |  3  | 




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